strike out


strike out

ottaa pois, poistaa, alkaa, käydä käsiksi, ruveta, ryhtyä, aloittaa, alkaa olla jtak, alkaa tehdä jtak, saada tehdä jtak, tulla jksik, saada alkunsa jstak, polttaa, palaa lyöntivuorossa, polttaa lyöntivuorossa olija, palaa, jättää tekemättä, laiminlyödä.

Rimmaavat sanat

strike out rimmaa näiden kanssa:

out, knock-out, ragoût, burnout, passepartout, stout, layout...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

strike out (englanti > suomi)

  1. huitaista

  2. hyökätä, sivaltaa

  3. yliviivata

  4. palaa

  5. polttaa

  6. saada pakit, saada rukkaset

  7. lähteä

strike out englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To lash out; to strike or hit at someone or something, particularly something in arm's length of the striker and at or near the level of the striker's head.

  2. {{quote-book

  3. puhekieltä To strongly criticize or make a verbal attack, particularly as a response to previous criticism or provocation.

  4. To draw a line through some text such as a printed or written sentence, with the purpose of deleting that text from the rest of the document.

  5. puhekieltä Of a batter, to be retired after three strikes (missed swings, as opposed to any other way of becoming "out"); of a pitcher, to cause this to happen to the batter.

  6. Jones struck out on a nasty slider.

    The pitcher struck out Jones with a nasty slider.

  7. puhekieltä To fail; to be refused a request or to have a proposal not be accepted, in particular a request for a (hopefully romantic) date.

  8. Dave asked the new girl to the dance but he struck out.

  9. To begin to make one's way.

  10. The travellers struck out towards the line of mountains.
